Subnautica below zero map locations
Subnautica below zero map locations

subnautica below zero map locations subnautica below zero map locations

If you can access these Biomes on this list, you should go ahead and find these things to make life on Planet 4546B much more manageable. With so much to do, find, and explore in the “Subnautica: Below Zero” map, it is normal to miss out on a few things, so we created this guide for you. ‘Subnautica: Below Zero’ Biomes Highlights You can also find Magnetite on the Seabed in these Biomes: Safe to say that you will need quite a few Magnetite ores as you progress through the “Subnautica: Below Zero” map.

subnautica below zero map locations

It would help if you had Magnetite to craft things using the Habitat Builder and Fabricator, or as an energy source, upgrading and more. Most notably, on the Glacial Basin, multiple Ore Veins contain Magnetite and can also be found in the Spy Pengling Access Points, a Hidden Stash, and the Alterra Cache Cave in the Biome. Magnetite is among the resources you will want to keep, and there are many places you can find them. So, it is always a good idea to figure out where to obtain the raw material easily. There are also many upgrades or blueprints requiring Lead, and they are integral to progress through the game. You may also find Lead and Titanium in Galena Outcrops and from Sea Monkeys. Lead is also among the main components in creating the Reactor Rod and Nuclear Reactor, both essential in the end-game for massive energy output to your headquarters. If you are a big believer in Nuclear energy, then Lead is going to be an important material for you.īy crafting Enameled Glass, Lead is pretty valuable and necessary for important upgrades for the Prawn Suit and Seatruck. Sack them for a variety of resources, including Lithium. Once there, go down the Seabed to find purple vents bubbling.

Subnautica below zero map locations